Posted Nov 12, 2011 at 00:46 CET in Events, Fashion, and Swedish events.
Very short notice, but on November 12 Drottningholms Slottsteater are selling out some of their costumes. As they mainly use 18th century style costumes I though it might be of interest, especially to those who don’t make their own 18th century clothes!
Posted Aug 15, 2011 at 09:58 CEST in Costuming, Events, Fashion, and Lectures and classes.
(Photo from Diary of a Mantua Maker)
I just found this on A Fashionable Frolick. If you’re near New York you can sign up for a week long 18th century shoemaking workshop, August 20-27. Head over to A Fashionable Frolick to read more!
I would absolutely love to do this, learning to make my own shoes is probably highest on my 18th century wishlist, but unfortunately it’s not possible for me to get to New York that soon.
Posted Jan 18, 2011 at 11:33 CET in Events, Fashion, and Photos.
A while ago I posted about the winter ball at Château d’Ursel, and they just e-mailed me some photos from the event. Go here to see more.
Posted Jan 6, 2011 at 20:08 CET in Costuming, Events, Fashion, Flickr, My costumes, Photos, and Swedish events.
Yesterday I went to Gustafs skål’s Twelfth night ball, and I had a wonderful time! I also met Isis, who had a fantastic foresty costume, and Madame Berg, who looked amazing, for the first time. I forgot to take any photos but my boyfriend took a few of my costume when I got back home. I wore the polonaise with a new but unfinished pelisse (the hood trim and armholes are missing). I was planning to make a matching muff as well but didn’t have time.
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Posted Aug 11, 2010 at 18:34 CEST in Events, Museums, and Swedish events.
Linné painted by Roslin in 1775
The Linnaean Gardens of Uppsala are the gardens off famous Swedish 18th century botanist Carl von Linné, and the oldest botanical garden in Sweden. The gardens, and Linné’s summer house Hammarby are open to the public and seem to have 18th century events every now and then. This Sunday, August 15, there will be an 18th century market that I hope to go to. The calendar of events is only available in Swedish.
Posted Aug 5, 2010 at 11:25 CEST in Events, Exhibitions, Lectures and classes, and Performances.
September 3-26 there will be a big 18th century festival in Copenhagen called 1700s - globalization, gossip and greed.
There will be countless lectures, shows, tours, exhibitions and concerts, and the festival opens with a big masquerade ball. I would love to go to some of the lectures because they sound really interesting, but unfortunately I just don’t understand spoken Danish.
Click the picture above to go to the festival website!
Posted Jul 25, 2010 at 14:44 CEST in Events.
I received an invitation to the Winter Ball at Château d’Ursel, in Belgium. While I won’t be able to go to an event in Belgium I thought I’d pass the information on.
The stately home at Hingene was the ‘maison de plaisance’ of the aristocratic d’Ursel family for almost four centuries. Now, it belongs to the Province of Antwerp who has restored the castle to its former glory with passion.
On this festive evening, the grand hall of the castle will once again be transformed into an 18th-century ballroom, replete with flickering candles on the driveway, beautiful costumes, and elegant ladies and gentlemen.
Experienced dancers are welcome but dancing masters Veerle Fack and Ingolf Collmar will also be there to guide the debutants’ first steps. The contredances will be performed live by the early-music ensemble, Ardalus.
To keep you dancing throughout the evening, refreshments will be provided.
Go here for more information.
Posted Jun 3, 2010 at 12:05 CEST in Events and Swedish events.
July 11 to July 25 it’s time for Lyss till 1700-talet at Skansen again. Check out times and events here.
Posted Feb 4, 2010 at 15:15 CET in Events, Fashion, Lectures and classes, and Swedish events.
On February 6 there will be a lecture, Siden och kattun, about 18th century clothes and fashion at Stadsarkivet. The lecture starts at 12 am.
Posted Nov 14, 2009 at 10:22 CET in Events.
November 20-22 Dances of Vice hold a spectacular nautical themed party in New York called The Grand Shipwreck Ball. It’s not strictly 18th century but from what I understand many people dress up in (among other historical eras) 18th century clothes to go to these events.
The festival program features live music ranging from classical opera to rock ballads, international guests, historical costume fashion shows, dance, puppetry, fencing, performance art, vendors, and ballroom dancing, among other chimerical amusements.
Posted Oct 9, 2009 at 11:59 CEST in Events.
I got an e-mail about these 18th century dinners at the Kasteel d’Ursel, asking if I would write about them here, so I thought I’d pass along the information for those of you able to go to Belgium. I don’t understand the language on the site, but according to the e-mail I got it’s…
…a series of 18th-century dinners with a custom made theatre show…
Here’s a promotional video.
Posted Aug 4, 2009 at 17:13 CEST in Costuming, Events, Fashion, Flickr, My costumes, Photos, and Swedish events.
Photos from the day I visited the Lyss till 1700-talet event at Skansen a couple of weeks ago. I wore my new outfit.
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Posted May 11, 2009 at 19:15 CEST in Events and Swedish events.
There will be 18th century weeks at Skansen again this July, with concerts and 18th century costumes. Check out the program here (they’re using my photo again!). The information is only in Swedish though.
Posted Jun 18, 2008 at 20:43 CEST in Events, Flickr, Journée Grand siècle, and Photos.
I found a Journée Grand Siècle flickr group. Click the picture to go there.
Posted Jun 17, 2008 at 13:23 CEST in Events, Fashion, Journée Grand siècle, and Photos.
Click the picture to see photos taken by Lisotchka at the 2008 Vaux le Vicomte event.